Tuesday, August 12, 2008

untitled one......

God, in the name of the Baby,
All the happiness you showered on me.
The rain still, still drizzling on me.

The sweet cry of yours, without tears
Were soothening my ears….
When you, to yawn, opened your little mouth…
I found you the cutest one ever on the earth.

When I opened your tiny soft fist…
I wondered to see the real pink rose in my fist.
When you kicked me with your tiny legs…
I felt that you were tickling me.

When you bit me with your gums…
I dared not to search any other heaven!!!
When I held you close by, the heartbeat of yours,
I felt together mine made me thrilled!!!

When I ran my fingers through your hair…
I felt soft silk threads kissing my fingers.
When you were asleep…
I was sure an angel on my lap.

When you smiled in your sleep…
No, I never doubted…
He, himself was born to me, my God!
Yes, I am blessed!
All the happiness you showered on me…
Rain still…still drizzling on me.

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